Tuesday, July 14, 2009


1. Picked up a kilo and a half of unpasteurized goat blow from my dealer on Hick's Road. Assurances were given that this is truly the good shit. Doubts niggle.

2. Baked two whole-wheat sourdough almond loaves as part of OperaciĆ³n Conquistaklaus. One was snatched from the cooling rack by a low flying Steller's Jay, the other picked to the bones by the Dome's long-whiskered resident rodent. OperaciĆ³n postponed.

3. Found: one bug in modeling code. Seeking exterminator.

4. Managed to slash a trench in Zoogle's leg with a piece of plywood spinning free in a power drill. The wound blends with his eczema, sunburn, diaper rash, carpetsores, and babypox, luckily.

5. Have played Stan's guitars. One is a certifiable piece of shit, the other a sort of blackmarket dung. No word on the accordian.

6. Have performed final rites for the tomatoes, one of the peppers, all the garlic, and a number of flowers. Have tentatively subcontracted keeners for the onions and the broccoli.

7. The idea of a triple bin composter received a very lukewarm response from the mother-in-law. Possible explanations: one, she knows that they don't work, two, she doubts our ability to generate that much compost, three, she doesn't want to have to look at the thing, four, she thinks they generate bad karma, five, she doubts my ability to make one, six, had a bad experience with triple-bin composters in the past and doesn't want to dredge up memories. All cards very close to the vest, as usual. Work proceeds without drive, wily-nily and at a sluggish pace.

8. Zoogle is back to his old tricks of running laps between the hours of 2 and 4 in the morning. It is not a matter of waking before or after he does: it is a matter of finding some five minute slice of time in the day when Dad-blear clears and I can remember whom to curse.

9. Rodents still duped by bird wire: cages on the raised beds continue sans chicken wire.

10. I am stiff as a German lip, bloated with pie crust, drowning in Walden, invisible to my wife, and a teething ring to my boy. No complaints.

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